关于 Parkinson Technologies
Enhancing Your Productivity. Empowering Your Business.
Parkinson Technologies 始建于1871年,为全球高性能薄膜设备的领先供应商。处理各式材料包括塑料,无纺布,纸,及特殊高新材料。在过去的140年来,我们致力为全球客户提升产能,生产速度,产品规格,产品附加值以及安全的生产环境。
Established in 1871, Parkinson Technologies is a global leader in high-performance web processing equipment for the plastics, nonwovens, paper, and specialty materials industries. Since our inception over 140 years ago, we've been helping customers worldwide enhance the speed, safety, and profitability of their production processes while providing them with everyday peace of mind.